

Philosopheat Barcelona Mockup 1

The real food philosophy in Barcelona

Philosopheat, a specialty coffee and real food restaurant from Argentina came to VASTA to establish their specialty coffee and real food restaurant in Barcelona.



Social Media Strategy & Management

Visual Design (stickers, posters, menu)

Content Creation (Photography & Video)

Philosopheat Barcelona 1

Ok but first, branding (and coffee)

Philosopheat is a well-known brand in Buenos Aires but it needed to attract a local audience. So after identifying their Buyer Persona, we adapted their visual branding to fit the design-centric audience of the city, which played a significant role in their recognition and success.

Then, action

In less than a year, we grew Philosopheat's following from 0 to 5000 followers through our consistent and engaging social media content. We are on our way to establishing their presence in Barcelona's highly competitive food and beverage scene.

We created photography and vídeos that would appeal to our buyer persona, maintaining the aesthetic that they use - natural and direct light.

Philosopheat Barcelona Mockup 2

Results that matter:

  • From 0 to +5000 followers in 1 year

Philosopheat Barcelona Mockup 3
Philosopheat Barcelona 2
Philosopheat Barcelona 3
